Phonetic Functions in The Glossary of Persian Arabic Expressions

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Hadeel Raad Tahsin Al Darraji


Because of the kinship in Semitic  languages of the prominent  place in the cultural and social system of the owners of these languages and the presence of a semi- clear between these  vocabulary  in  most  Semitic  languages  has  in flounced to  address  some  of  these vocabulary through this research  study the level of voice  and the impact of Arabic in Persian in order to  stand causes of the variables  suffered by the ease and clarify  their  changes  and recognize the formal  voice harmony and the role played by  these voices  in the system communicate.

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How to Cite
الدراجي أ. ه. ر. ت. (2020). Phonetic Functions in The Glossary of Persian Arabic Expressions. Journal of AlMaarif University College (JAUC), 31(1), 94-117. Retrieved from