Issue Introduction

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Mohammed Abdulhakim Abdulrahman Al-Saadi


Issue introduction




Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdulhakim Alsaadi

Editor in Chief


In the name of Allah, the Merciful Praise be to Allah, who destined adversity and then blessed for the patient with grants. And may Allah bless our master Muhammad who taught us patience in strife and taught us cohesion in sadness and joy.

Then, since the beginning of this year 2020, the world was overwhelmed by the COVID19 pandemic, and it claimed many human lives and caused great damage to the economy of nations. This disease is still fraught with mystery. When will its severity be broken? And when will people return to their normal lives without fear? Only Almighty Allah knows. In spite of this, the tribulations that wreak havoc in mankind and destroy the world with darkness must end to a new dawn that shines after a while, and the hope that emanates from the heart of darkness. Thus, after the tribulation, the world will witness tremendous changes. And the scientific movement at the research and academic levels is no exception.

Work and education have become completely dependent on computer and communication technologies under the weight of social distance between humans, which were imposed by pandemic conditions in order to prevent infection. And the medical and pharmaceutical sectors were at the forefront of people's attention where many health systems, even in developed countries, have been exposed and collapsed. Hence the priorities of research and development in the world have changed, or so we hope, from focusing on developing weapons and tools for destruction or unnecessary fantasy constructions to serious research that directed towards what serves the health of society, its food, medicine, and more efficient communications.

In the midst of these circumstances, a new issue of our journal is published, and it has been covered with a new look that has the character of hope for a bright future. It is issued in conjunction with the launch of the new website after the tireless work of the journal staff to develop it during the Corona crisis. It is issued holding the new logo for the journal, which designed by our staff, to carry many meanings and values. This logo has the message of authenticity, heritage, and civilizational roots through the golden and blue octagon Islamic style stars at the base of the logo. And it has a meaning to look towards the scientific and technical progress symbolized by the blue atomic orbits at the top, one of which appeared in the form of an Abbasid arc indicating the originality of the knowledge in Mesopotamia. In the emblem, the center is like the shining sun with its bright golden color, representing the nucleus of an atom whose blue orbits are surrounded by the blue of the Euphrates water. These values in our hearts are the source of motivation and energy for more patience and progress.

Article Details

How to Cite
السعدي أ. م. ع. ع. . (2020). Issue Introduction. Journal of AlMaarif University College (JAUC), 30(1), 0-9. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Mohammed Abdulhakim Abdulrahman Al-Saadi, Nizwa University - Oman

Editor in Chief 

Journal of AlMaarif University College (JAUC)