The Impact of "COVID-19" Pandemic On Contracts Concluded Between Individuals Internally Lease Contract as A Model

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Saman Ahmed Shehab
Ammar Shaker Mahmoud Faisal


Corona virus that causes its pandemic as a copied-19 is an emergency circumstance for the whole world, including the parties to the contractual relationship (the lessor and the lessee) who had no hand in the occurrence of this pandemic or its effects that afflicted their contractual obligations, making them exhausting, not impossible to fulfill, and accordingly a legal adjustment must be made. For that pandemic, and it mostly pleases (an exceptional emergency circumstance that made the tenant’s implementation of his obligation to pay the fare exhausting. The researcher aims through this to demonstrate the effect of this conditioning on the lease contract. The two researchers committed to the comparative descriptive approach in explaining the concept of the pandemic from a linguistic standpoint and explaining its effects on the commitment in general and contractual in particular and they reached the appropriate legal adaptation of the pandemic to which most countries of the world go, as well as the judiciary.  

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How to Cite
شهاب س. أ. ., & فيصل ع. ش. م. . (2020). The Impact of "COVID-19" Pandemic On Contracts Concluded Between Individuals Internally: Lease Contract as A Model. Journal of AlMaarif University College (JAUC), 31(1), 210-236. Retrieved from